Albino bat captured in the house of a citizen Kebonsari Wetan Village, District Kanigaran, Probolinggo, East Java.
They believe the creature was an animal imitation aimed at draining the treasure. Bats in the Java language called the flying fox, but in Probolinggo, which was inhabited ethnic Madurese, the animal called Pok-kopok.
Animals fist for teenager was arrested by the arch, the RT 4/RW 4 Kebonsari Wetan Village.
Animals were first known Sudarmo, the local residents. Fearing capture bats entering the house, Sudarmo call arc to be asked.
The chairman of the RT finally caught him and put these animals in a glass jar that is stored in her home.
In a flash, the news of the arrest spread throughout the animal village. No doubt, citizens from across the arc coming into the house to watch it.
They assume, somewhat orange-brown bats, as a creature invented. Because besides they rarely see the bats like that.
In addition to his body color is not black like most bats, his eyes red. Increasingly strong presence was associated with the occult because Sudarmo right into the house on Friday night Legi, a sacred day for some residents.
"I have never seen a bat like this. This is not a regular bat, this is definitely Pok-kopok (bats imitation). These animals are often stolen money, "said Khofi, local resident.
With the capture of this rare animal, the resident street Gang KH Hasan Genggong Bayusari VIII, somewhat relieved. The reason is, animals who often stole the money, had been arrested.
"Actually people here no one lost money. Do not know if in other areas. This just happened to stray into the bats here, "said Miftahul Huda, a local youth leaders.
By Huda, after the animal was caught, local residents had confused what to do with. For a while it put a strange animal in the house arch.
To stay alive, arc placed in a jar of banana on it for food. "Well, let me live. If it is Pok-kopok, something must have. Let's wait owner. And if this is normal bat, what's wrong with maintaining a rare animal, "Huda added.
It seems, according to local stories, Pok-kopok intentionally released by their owners to steal the wealth of others.
He was reared by a person to become rich without working. "He said if this kopok Pok-arrested and killed, then who have, will also die," added Huda, the man who had studied and had to learn to spiritual experts.
Is the bat-pok kopok or not is still a question mark, but the residents were quite amused to see animals.
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